Double Perception [v2.3]
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Goodale and Milner[2] amassed an array of anatomical, neuropsychological, electrophysiological, and behavioural evidence for their model. According to their data, the ventral 'perceptual' stream computes a detailed map of the world from visual input, which can then be used for cognitive operations, and the dorsal 'action' stream transforms incoming visual information to the requisite egocentric (head-centered) coordinate system for skilled motor planning.The model also posits that visual perception encodes spatial properties of objects, such as size and location, relative to other objects in the visual field; in other words, it utilizes relative metrics and scene-based frames of reference. Visual action planning and coordination, on the other hand, uses absolute metrics determined via egocentric frames of reference, computing the actual properties of objects relative to the observer. Thus, grasping movements directed towards objects embedded in size-contrast-ambiguous scenes have been shown to escape the effects of these illusions, as different frames of references and metrics are involved in the perception of the illusion versus the execution of the grasping act.[11]
The posterior parietal cortex is essential for \"the perception and interpretation of spatial relationships, accurate body image, and the learning of tasks involving coordination of the body in space\".[16]
Moving along the stream from V1 to AIT, receptive fields increase their size, latency, and the complexity of their tuning. For example, recent studies have shown that the V4 area is responsible for color perception in humans, and the V8 (VO1) area is responsible for shape perception, while the VO2 area, which is located between these regions and the parahippocampal cortex, integrates information about the color and shape of stimuli into a holistic image.[18]
Goodale & Milner's innovation was to shift the perspective from an emphasis on input distinctions, such as object location versus properties, to an emphasis on the functional relevance of vision to behaviour, for perception or for action. Contemporary perspectives however, informed by empirical work over the past two decades, offer a more complex account than a simple separation of function into two-streams.[27] Recent experimental work for instance has challenged these findings, and has suggested that the apparent dissociation between the effects of illusions on perception and action is due to differences in attention, task demands, and other confounds.[28][29] There are other empirical findings, however, that cannot be so easily dismissed which provide strong support for the idea that skilled actions such as grasping are not affected by pictorial illusions.[30][31][32][33]
Thus the emerging perspective within neuropsychology and neurophysiology is that, whilst a two-systems framework was a necessary advance to stimulate study of the highly complex and differentiated functions of the two neural pathways; the reality is more likely to involve considerable interaction between vision-for-action and vision-for-perception. Robert McIntosh and Thomas Schenk summarize this position as follows: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}
The earliest clues about the neural bases of object perception and recognition came from the study of brain-damaged humans with visual agnosia. Visual agnosia refers to a set of disorders affecting object recognition, in which elementary visual capacities such as acuity and visual fields are preserved or grossly intact (for review, see Farah, 1990). Early attempts to localize the lesions in such cases appeared mainly in the German neurological literature of the early 1900s.Writers as early as Potzl in 1928 noted the importance of inferior regions of the temporal lobes, along with adjacent ventral occipital cortex, in most cases of visual agnosia. Subsequent studies upheld these general findings and confirmed the central role of the lingual and fusiform gyri ( Figure 1).
The differential visual impairments produced by focal lesions in clinical cases suggest that the human visual cortex, like that of the monkey, contains two anatomically distinct and functionally specialized pathways: the ventral and dorsal streams. For example, one study demonstrated a double dissociation of visual recognition (face perception camouflaged by shadows) and visuospatial performance (maze learning) in two men with lesions of the occipitotemporal and occipitoparietal cortex, respectively, confirmed by postmortem examination (Newcombe et al., 1987). The specific clinical syndromes produced by occipitotemporal lesions include visual object agnosia, as noted earlier, as well as prosopagnosia, an inability to recognize familiar faces, and achromatopsia, or cortical color blindness. In contrast, syndromes produced by occipitoparietal lesions include optic ataxia (misreaching), visuospatial neglect, constructional apraxia, gaze apraxia, akinetopsia (an inability to perceive movement), and disorders of spatial cognition. Interestingly, imagery disorders involving descriptions of either objects (especially faces, animals, and colors of objects) or spatial relations (geographic directions) are also dissociable following temporal and parietal lesions, respectively.
While the processing of general object shape observed in the LOC appears to be important for object perception and recognition, the LOC probably is not responsible for object recognition per se. Whereas the LOC responds to essentially any three-dimensional shape, areas in the ventral stream anterior to the LOC, most notably on the fusiform gyrus in the ventral temporal cortex, respond preferentially to recognizable objects. It is therefore thought that object recognition is critically dependent on the ventral temporal cortex. Indeed, it is likely that the storage of object representations takes place in the ventral temporal cortex as well.
Early studies of brain damage in humans and lesions in monkeys pointed to the crucial role of tissue in the ventral parts of the temporal cortex for object perception and recognition. After many decades of intensive research, one can now say that the ventral portions of the temporal cortex form the last stations of an occipitotemporal ventral pathway, beginning in the primary visual cortex and progressing through multiple visual areas beyond it. In macaque monkeys, important regions for object perception and recognition include areas TEO and TE of the inferior temporal cortex. In humans, homologous circuits appear to exist in both occipital and temporal regions, including the lateral occipital complex, the fusiform gyrus, and nearby regions in the ventral temporal cortex.
Color processing begins with the absorption of light by cone photoreceptors, and progresses through a series of hierarchical stages: Retinal signals carrying color information are transmitted through the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus (LGN) up to the primary visual cortex (V1). From V1, the signals are processed by the second visual area (V2); then by cells located in subcompartments (\"globs\") within the posterior inferior temporal (PIT) cortex, a brain region that encompasses area V4 and brain regions immediately anterior to V4. Color signals are then processed by regions deep within the inferior temporal (IT) cortex including area TE. As a heuristic, one can consider each of these stages to be involved in constructing a distinct aspect of the color percept. The three cone types are the basis for trichromacy; retinal ganglion cells that respond in an opponent fashion to activation of different cone classes are the basis for color opponency (these \"cone-opponent\" cells increase their firing rate above baseline to activation of one cone class and decrease their firing rate below baseline to activation of a different cone class); double-opponent neurons in the V1 generate local color contrast and are the building blocks for color constancy; glob cells elaborate the perception of hue; and IT integrates color perception in the context of behavior. Finally, though nothing is known, these signals presumably interface with motor programs and emotional centers of the brain to mediate the widely acknowledged emotional salience of color.
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Equation 5-2 is based on driver reaction time, approach speed, approach grade, and intersection width and consists of two terms. The first term (yellow change) represents the time required for a vehicle to travel one safe stopping distance, including driver perception-reaction time. This permits a driver to either stop at the intersection if the distance to the intersection is greater than one safe stopping distance or safely enter the intersection (and clear the intersection under the restrictive yellow law) if the distance to the intersection is less than one safe stopping distance. The second term (red clearance) represents the time needed for a vehicle to traverse the intersection ([W + Lv]/v). Although values will vary by driver population and local conditions, the values of t = 1.0 s, a = 10 ft/s2, and Lv = 20 ft are often cited for use in Equation 5-3 (,,131415). These values of perception-reaction time and deceleration rate are different from those cited in highway geometric design policy documents because they are based on driver response to the yellow indication, which is an expected condition. They are not based on the longer reaction time necessary for an unexpected (or surpri