Download 164K Txt
I want to do an ASCII text download of user-selected SQL data, that can be opened immediately in notepad. DB connection works fine, as do \"header\" commands to initiate download, but I'll be damned if I can get the end-of-line characters to show up properly.
I've tried writing the file to the server, then reading the stream and outputting; tried variations on the header information... Kinda get the idea that there's something odd with the way the page is being downloaded to the browser via binary, but
cURL stands for command Line URL and is a simple, yet powerful, command line utility that gives the ability to download content using a lightweight executable that provides cross-platform support. cURL is community supported and is often a packaged part of some *nix systems already.
You can now maintain your own zMUD mirror site information in the Links section: Display a list of all zMUD Mirror sites Add a mirror site to the list To create your own zMUD mirror, copy mirror.htm, zmudmirror.gif, buy.gif, download.gif, zmud555.exe, zmud555x.exe to a single directory on a web site then add it to the Links list.
Below I provide several additional atlases to display in FSLeyes. To use these atlases, download the zip file by clicking on the atlas title. Place the unzipped folder and xml file(s) in the FSL atlases directory (e.g., /usr/local/fsl/data/atlases). The next time you start fsleyes, the atlas should be available in the atlas panel.
A variety of tools, controls, libraries, downloads, and general whatnot that I've found useful, or found a need to produce, over the years. Generally speaking, what's here isn't provided with source code. I hope you still see it worthwhile. 59ce067264